HP unlocks new Connected TV targeting capabilities with Unified ID 2.0

Image of a couple with a dog, watching TV

In the cookie-free environment of Connected TV (CTV), HP wanted to test if our Unified ID 2.0 (UID2) solution could help them manage their campaigns in a privacy-conscious way. This campaign delivered excellent results, proving the value of UID2 coupled with Identity Alliance in helping to boost unique audience reach and more accurately measure sales.

HP X UID2 X The Trade Desk - Case study key results in black text
“Using The Trade Desk’s UID2 solution with our first-party data helped us increase our unique audience reach, boost our cost-efficiency, and improve how we measure conversions and sales. We’re very excited to see what UID2 can help us achieve next.”

Caitlin Nardi

North America Programmatic Lead at HP


Increasing unique audience reach in a cookieless world

Global IT company HP is known for being at the leading edge of technological advancements. With the gradual phaseout of third-party cookies, the company was interested in testing how our Unified ID 2.0 (UID2) solution could help increase its unique audience reach in a privacy-conscious way.


Increasing unique reach and cost-efficiency across Connected TV with UID2

HP worked with us to test UID2 as part of a Connected TV (CTV) campaign targeting consumers in the United States. UID2 leverages encrypted email or phone number data to provide a secure and accurate identity standard for the entire digital advertising ecosystem while offering a privacy-conscious alternative to consumers.

Relying on our demand-side platform (DSP), HP programmatically delivered its ads on two CTV platforms, Disney and Hulu. The company used Identity Alliance to provide a unified view of its customers across channels and devices, which enabled more accurate household-level targeting, increased reach, and more effective frequency management aimed at reducing waste and improving cost-efficiency.

Overall, the campaign reached 8% of an estimated 12.5 million targeted households at a frequency of 5.7 times per household. This resulted in a cost per unique household of $0.16, 23% lower than HP’s previous campaign that used programmatic guaranteed (PG) and private marketplace (PMP) buying strategies. The UID2 campaign also performed better than HP’s previous PG campaigns that only used publishers’ data.

Given the campaign’s success, HP plans to partner with us to create a closed-loop measurement solution, which could leverage and enrich the company’s first-party data.

Fill out the form below to learn how Unified ID 2.0 can help increase your unique reach across channels, including cookieless ones like CTV and audio.

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