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Year in review: 13 product updates you can leverage in 2024

To get ahead of industry needs for better planning, find easier ways to onboard and activate data, and enhance your transparency and measurement, last year The Trade Desk embarked on an ambitious journey to innovate across strategic areas globally, including Connected TV (CTV), identity, retail measurement, and more. Here are our some of our biggest advancements that can help your 2024 plans.


Enhanced CTV forecasting

  • We understand the importance of accurate predictions in the growing realm of CTV. That’s why we’ve upgraded our CTV forecasting capabilities to empower you to make more informed investment decisions and optimize for scale. (Please contact your account manager for more information.)

Geo-interest segments (EMEA only)

  • Amid increasing privacy regulations across Europe, advertisers need a better way to target CTV in environments where IDs are not present. Geo-interest segments offer an ID-less audience targeting solution, allowing broad interest-based targeting for areas, optimizing use cases like scaling, and replacing individualized one-to-one targeting.

Reach and overlap reporting

  • Transparency is key. Leverage our reach and overlap reporting to understand where your audiences overlap across publishers, so you can aim to avoid excess repeat exposures, invest in new reach, and discover opportunities for more decisioned buying.

Live sports pacing upgrade

  • Timing is everything in the dynamic world of sports advertising. That’s why we created a new pacing model to help you maximize spend on live sports events — specifically activating on large influxes of viewership — when you have dedicated budgets for these opportunities.

Inventory and OpenPath partnerships

  • We’re excited to announce over 20 new partnerships within CTV alone, and over 20 OpenPath partners live now in North America along with our first partners in APAC and EMEA. These ventures offer you even more opportunities to access direct paths to publisher inventory.

TV Quality Index (TVQI) expansion

  • In 2023, we expanded on our TVQI capabilities. Because we’ve brought the metric directly into the platform, you can now understand the quality of your CTV impressions without the need to pull a report, and can easily optimize toward higher-quality ad opportunities.



  • Galileo enables the seamless use of first-party data and can fit into the simplest and most complex advertiser workflows, so activating and scaling your audience has never been easier. Whether you’re managing CRM data in-house or with a customer data platform (CDP) or clean room, we’ve built integrations across the most sought-after platforms for audience segmentation and measurement to support the easy translation of CRM data into secure Unified ID 2.0s (UID2s) for activation in a media-buying platform.

CDP and clean room integrations

  • UID2 creates a balance between protecting user privacy and transparency while preserving the vital value exchange of the internet. We’ve continued our commitment to interoperability and transparency by integrating with 14 CDPs and six clean rooms.

    • UID2 CDP: mParticle, BlueConic Inc., Adobe, Lytics, Freshpaint.io, Amperity Inc., Neustar, Narrative, Salesforce, Tealium, ActionIQ, Hightouch, and Segment
    • UID2 clean room: Habu, Environics Analytics, AWS Clean Rooms, Optable, Samooha, and Snowflake
    • European Unified ID CDP: Commanders Act

Identifier integrations

  • We’ve strengthened our ecosystem by integrating with leading identifiers in EMEA, such as ID5, NetID, and First-id, fostering seamless collaboration and data interoperability.
  • In North America alone, we’ve added more adoption with UID2 across 57 new publishers.

Global Privacy Control and EU Digital Services Act compliance

  • We’ve continued our commitment to leading the industry in privacy and new laws that impact ad tech. We now support global privacy consent mechanisms and help certain publishers to comply with the enhanced advertising transparency requirements under the EU Digital Services Act.

Retail sales measurement

Retail Sales Index (RSI)

  • For the first time, with RSI, you can analyze and optimize sales signals in real time across multiple retailers. We’ve created a new unified view, so you can more effectively connect your campaigns to business outcomes across participating retailers.

Retail partnerships

  • By harnessing the power of retail data across your omnichannel media buys, you can gain insight into who your real customers are. Last year, we partnered with six new retail data partners, including Kroger, Tesco, Ocado, Schwarz Group, Boots, and more, so you can connect your digital advertising directly to sales.

Item-level events and product catalog

  • You can now capture different user actions and events across websites, apps, and brick-and-mortar stores with increased flexibility and item-level granularity. Use these events to build audience segments for targeting and to attribute specific outcomes and activities to your omnichannel campaigns on our platform. You can then use the product-catalog feature within our platform to easily track and manage the events on your website.

We look forward to another year of empowering you and shaping the future of digital advertising. Stay tuned for more exciting developments.

We are at the cutting edge of advertising and using tools like the ones above can supercharge your campaigns. Contact your account manager at The Trade Desk for more information.