Put your audience at the centre of your strategy

Our data marketplace and powerful suite of targeting solutions make it easy to identify and connect with your most valuable audiences.

The best campaigns start with audience data

Define your seed

Use data to define your ideal customer as a foundation for smarter campaign planning and optimisation.

Surface custom insights

Learn more about your customers and how to reach them with customised audience and inventory insights.

Find more relevant audiences

Our platform can help you identify the best segments for each campaign based on relevance and value.

Plan for efficiency and accuracy

Our advanced forecasting tools let you review audience spend, reach, and frequency before it goes live.

Prioritise audience data with the strongest signals

Smarter campaign decisions are powered by verified audience data from your own first-party sources or from a trusted partner.

Unlock your first-party data

Onboard, activate, and scale your most valuable customer data across the open internet with Galileo.

Graphic of a laptop with the text "GALILEO" in the centre

Tap in to verified retail data

Reach your customers with precision and scale using purchase data from more retailers than any other media buying platform.

Yellow graphic with logos of UK retailers

Extend your reach with third-party data

Discover and target your most relevant audiences using behavioural, demographic, and interest signals from leading data providers.

Tan background with three headshots displaying "Coffee Drinkers - Audience Preview"
Andrex | Ocado | The Trade Desk - Case Study - Blue image with mother and daughter looking at a tablet


Andrex absorbs Ocado’s retail data for real-time optimisations

Andrex understands the importance of innovation, so it put retail data to the test. The question was, could it boost consideration and, ultimately, sales of its toilet tissue?

+112%performance from optimisation
5Xhigher ROAS than target

Koa™ AI is designed to support your audience strategies

Use the most valuable signals at bid time
Activate the best data for each impression while maintaining cost-efficiencies with advanced bidding and prioritisation algorithms.

Aim to increase quality reach with audience models
Find new customers and drive incremental reach to achieve your goals, from driving awareness to increasing market share, with AI-driven audience modelling.

Blue text "Koa" with a circle blue logo to the left