Bring your message to the world's most popular streaming platforms and providers.

What is video advertising?

With video advertising, you can run your ads before, during, and after video content playing on premium streaming platforms and websites. Video ads can also be embedded within online articles or through banner ads.

Couple sitting on sofa looking at tablet and smiling

Why advertise on video?

Over the past decade, the rise of digital video has fueled the growth of an unprecedented number of content and distribution platforms. By tapping into programmatic video advertising, you can advertise across more of them than ever before.

Woman laying down and looking at her laptop while smiling

The advantages of video advertising

Advertise across devices

Increase your reach and control how often people see your ads with full insight into consumer behavior across devices.

Simplify your strategy

Access almost every network, streaming service, and device in one place, helping you to simplify your strategy.

Brand-safe premium content

Run your ads alongside brand-safe content with premium inventory on websites and streaming platforms across the open internet

Real-time measurement

Measure the business impact of your video ads and optimize campaigns in real time with actionable insights.

Our video partners

Tap into more than 56 premium video partners. Here are a few.


Let's work together

Get in touch with our sales team to learn more about Video Advertising.