Powered by The Trade Desk Edge Academy

The business certification designed to drive growth

Become Powered by The Trade Desk Edge Academy-certified to demonstrate your organization’s programmatic capabilities, help win new business opportunities, and attract top-level talent. This program is invite-only for now, but you can contact your account representative at The Trade Desk to get started.

Badge up and stand out

Display your badge on your website, pitch decks, and social media to help you stand out as an industry leader.

Powered by The Trade Desk Edge

How to get certified

Your organization is eligible for certification once you’ve reached key partnership and educational milestones.

Showcase your platform expertise

Demonstrate your acumen on our platform by meeting a minimum threshold of decisioned media spend, number of channels, and feature adoption.

Master programmatic advertising

Reinforce your organization’s collective understanding of programmatic concepts by having a minimum number of your staff complete specific courses on The Trade Desk Edge Academy.

Champion the open internet

We’re looking for organizations with a proven track record of — and ongoing commitment to — supporting a thriving open internet.

Apply for Powered by The Trade Desk Edge Academy today

Contact your representative at The Trade Desk for more information on how to apply.